Discovering our place in God's great purpose

Topical Series

What is an atonement ?

Over the second part of the year 2014, at the Silo in York Street North Perth, we have been looking at the question  posed by John McLeod Campbell [1800-1882]. His book first appeared in 1856 and has been reprinted by Handsel Press in 1996. It was this newer edition which we studied.

Campbell’s way of writing is deep as it is careful. However, to a modern reader he is not so easy. His paragraphs are long and he uses  compound sentences punctuated by semi colons. Throughout this series I have written a summary of the argument flow of the book as a preparation for the Seminars which took the form of discussion. Nature of the Atonement – Summaries in PDF

We found the material profound and yet simple. Campbell takes up the central question of attempting to state what an actual atonement is, and why it is that God requires it on our behalf. He directs us to the wonderful relationship between the Father and the Son. It is here we are led into the depths of the what an atonement actually is.

Should you have a copy of Campbell’s book, and even of you don’t, the outlines on the link will give a fair indication of his work.

Christ and the Church: Our head’s way for us

This series was presented at the York St Silo in 2014.

Each heading is a link. When clicked on, it will take you to a new window and display the document in PDF. Or, if you would like to download the document, right-click and choose to “Save Link As” or “Download Linked File As”.

Session 1 – Christ the Head

Session 2 – Bride & Groom, Head & Body

Session 3 – I will build my Church

Session 4 – Common Baptism

Session 5 – Eucharist

Session 6 – Church & Kingdom

Session 7 – Images of the Church

Session 8 – Authority & Submission

Session 9 – Seeking the Kingdom

Reading Greek: Workshop 1 on Philemon 1-3 [525]

This is Workshop Project in two parts on the text of Philemon 1-3. First, there is something for you to do and, after that, you should have a look at what I have done. The first part of the workshop is your own project. Follow this link to a pdf file and after printing it out work through the vocabulary and the reading. When you have done that, and have noted your own results and translation, normally there will be a second part – which will show David’s work. In this project you only have the first part. Have a go!

Discipleship School 2013 Booklets

These booklets were produced for the Discipleship School 2013 at Beachway Church in Perth, WA. This teaching series has been offered in various places and formats since the 1970s and aims to lay a broad and solid foundation from which to live.

Each heading is a link. When clicked on, it will take you to a new window and display the document in PDF. Or, if you would like to download the document, right-click and choose to “Save Link As” or “Download Linked File As”.











The Framework – David Boan

Each heading below is a link to a chapter of the book. When clicked on, it will take you to a new window and display the document in PDF. Or, if you would like to download the document, right-click and choose to “Save Link As” or “Download Linked File As”.

Or, to download the entire book in one document, click HERE

The Framework – Introduction

Ch1 The Framework

Ch2 The Framework

Ch3 The Framework

Ch4 The Framework

Ch5 The Framework

Ch6 The Framework

Ch7 The Framework

Ch8 The Framework

Ch9 The Framework

Ch10 The Framework

Ch11 The Framework

Ch12 The Framework

Ch13 The Framework

Ch14 The Framework

Ch15 The Framework

Ch16 The Framework

Early Church History

These notes are from a series which is currently running, studying the life and times of early church fathers.

Each heading below is a link. When clicked on, it will take you to a new window and display the document in PDF. Or, if you would like to download the document, right-click and choose to “Save Link As” or “Download Linked File As”.

ECH Roman Empire

ECH History

ECH Paul

ECH Apostolic Fathers

ECH Apologists

ECH Irenaeus

Discipleship Readings – 2013

The Discipleship School was offered at Beachway Church in Perth during 2013. The materials here are supplementary references. Each unit has a published booklet and they are available under the :Reading: tab above.

Each heading below is a link. When clicked on, it will take you to a new window and display the document in PDF. Or, if you would like to download the document, right-click and choose to “Save Link As” or “Download Linked File As”.

2013 ListeningPrayingPeople 01

2013 ListeningPrayingPeople 02

2013 ListeningPrayingPeople 03

2013 ListeningPrayingPeople 04

2013 ListeningPrayingPeople 05

2013 ListeningPrayingPeople 06

2009 SpiritualGifts

2009 Confessing our Sins

DS 2013 Confessing our Sins

Daniel 1-12


Is 56-66

Kings 12-11

Maccabees 1-2


Mystery and Miracle of Grace






Persian History

Post Exile Reading


Fullness of the Spirit for Life and Work

This series was presented at the York St Silo in 2013 as a part of the Sunday Expo series and majoring on the Gospel of John.

Each heading is a link. When clicked on, it will take you to a new window and display the document in PDF. Or, if you would like to download the document, right-click and choose to “Save Link As” or “Download Linked File As”.


01 Fullness of the Spirit – John 13&14

02 Fullness of the Spirit – SpiritSoulBody

03 Fullness of the Spirit – Disposition

04 Fullness of the Spirit – Temple

05 Fullness of the Spirit – Newness

06 Fullness of the Spirit – Obedience

07 Fullness of the Spirit – In the Spirit

08 Fullness of the Spirit – Fullness of Spirit

09 Fullness of the Spirit – Conscience

10 Fullness of the Spirit – Groom/Bride 1

11 Fullness of the Spirit – Groom/Bride 2

Campbell Sermon 1 – 2Peter 3.15

Campbell Sermon 2 – Luke 11.1-13

Campbell Sermon 3 – Galatians 2.20

Campbell Sermon 4 – Romans 8


© Copyright 2020 - David Boan

All material is available for duplication and distribution but not for commercial gain