Discovering our place in God's great purpose


Christ and the Church: Our head’s way for us

This series was presented at the York St Silo in 2014.

Each heading is a link. When clicked on, it will take you to a new window and display the document in PDF. Or, if you would like to download the document, right-click and choose to “Save Link As” or “Download Linked File As”.

Session 1 – Christ the Head

Session 2 – Bride & Groom, Head & Body

Session 3 – I will build my Church

Session 4 – Common Baptism

Session 5 – Eucharist

Session 6 – Church & Kingdom

Session 7 – Images of the Church

Session 8 – Authority & Submission

Session 9 – Seeking the Kingdom

© Copyright 2020 - David Boan

All material is available for duplication and distribution but not for commercial gain