Discovering our place in God's great purpose

Old Testament Series

Old Testament Readings – Term 2

These notes are for the second of a two-part series looking at the Old Testament.

Each heading below is a link. When clicked on, it will take you to a new window and display the document in PDF. Or, if you would like to download the document, right-click and choose to “Save Link As” or “Download Linked File As”.













Old Testament Readings – Term 1

These notes are from the first of a two-part series looking at the Old Testament.

Each heading below is a link. When clicked on, it will take you to a new window and display the document in PDF. Or, if you would like to download the document, right-click and choose to “Save Link As” or “Download Linked File As”.

Genesis Overview

Genesis 25-50 Outine

The Beginning – 2013 edition

Fallen – 2013 edition

Atonement Weeks 1-4

OT Week 1

OT Week 3

OT Week 4

OT Week 5

OT Week 6

OT Week7

OT Week 8

OT Week 8 – notes

OT Week 9

Exodus 11

Exodus 12

Exodus 15

Exodus 16

Exodus 17

01 Calendar in OT

02 Passover 1

03 Passover 2

04 Passover 3

05 Levitical Models

06 Day of Atonement

07 Pentecost01

08 Pentecost 02

09 Feast of Tabernacles 01

10 Feast of Tabernacles 02

© Copyright 2020 - David Boan

All material is available for duplication and distribution but not for commercial gain